The boys

The boys
Our pride and joy right here. Three silly boys that make us smile and enjoy life. We are so blessed!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I love my family!

While Jason, Amanda, Eric and Jillisa went to Vegas to visit their mom, They decided to take the elevator to go downstairs. Jillisa is Eric's girlfriend and eight months pregnant. They wouldn't let her use the bathroom upstairs, and said she had to wait and use the downstairs one. It was less gross. While on the three floor jaunt, Jason and Eric were wrestling. Then, Jason started jumping up and down to scare the girls. Guess what, he got the elevator jammed! It took the fire department to get them out (oh yeah and about 45 minutes later) Jillisa was so ready to kill Jason. She had to use the bathroom! The nurses heard there was a pregnant woman stuck, so when the doors were opened, they were ready with oxygen, a wheelchair and three nurses to help her. She let them know that all she needed was a bathroom! (and maybe a nicer brother-in-law)! :) Almost happy I was not around for this one. I don't think I would have been very happy either! Glad the boys could still have fun!
You will notice that both boys have almost no hair. They shaved their heads to be like their mother. Every time they go in to her this way, She opens her eyes up wide. She knows Jaosn's surfer locks were almost to where they were perfect. It was a small sacrifice to make. But I do miss miss the long locks. I'll have to find a pic and post it later of what he did look like with longer hair. Pretty cute either way!

Hello again!

It has been over a year since I have posted and there has been quite a lot that has happened in our small, sweet family.
December 6th or so, Jason's mom was out for a walk with her husband and slipped on ice. She was life flighted to Vegas and two brain surgeries later, we are hoping for her to recover. She has a feeding tube in her stomach that she hates, she is not talking, she is able to move her left arm and foot, but is not responsive on her right side. As an artist that is right handed, it has to be devastating for her. SO, this Christmas has been harder than ones in the past being without her. She has missed the birth of two grandchildren and missing today, her baby turn 24. We have asked anyone that knew her, if you are able, to visit her. Her last name is now Ankeweicz. She is sad, and depressed and we are hoping more visitors would help cheer her up. Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts. We love her and miss her being a part of all our events! Thank you.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Jason sold a four-wheeler over a year ago, and the guy kept promising to pay us. He finally did this September. We decided we could be really frugal and put it back into our ever-dwindling savings account, or we could go on vacation. We decided to go on vacation and be very frivilous. We had so much fun! We told the boys we were going fishing. They were actually really mad when we showed up at the gates of Disneyland! They wanted to fish really bad! But, we convinced them we really would go to the beach and go fishing too! We went to Disneyland the first day (Friday) and the boys were ready to leave because of the lines. The next day, when we woke up, they wanted to head straight for the beach. We promised them we would go to the beach a little later as the park got busier. We finally went to the beach later that day and froze our tooshies off! The boys got to fish, without any luck. They played in the water and had a great time, even though it was very cold and foggy! Thanks to Mike and Micah and their family for joining us on this crusade. It was so much fun!! My boys really wanted to get their picture taken with Lightening McQueen! They thought he was really cool!
We went to California on Sunday (yes, I know. Sunday.) We were limited on time, because I had to go back to work on Tuesday -we had a four day weekend for the deer hunt Love Utah!!!! We don't have very many current family photos because I always stand behind the camera, but here is one that is kind of fun! I cut and colored my hair in September, so yes, that is my round self next to the R.
Early entrance into Disneyland on Sunday and the boys are loving that it is quiet and not crowded at all!
Bugs life was a great ride! We went several times and laughed so hard! Aren't these the cutest bugs you've ever seen??

All in all, we had a great time. We need to go sometime that is less rushed and I can take a couple personal days because it was much less crowded in October than in the summer! But, it will probably be another three years before we attempt going back. The boys really want to go back now that we are home, but they are much more "beach kids" than "amusement parkies"! And, I'm okay with that! We can beach it every summer because it's so inexpensive, and Chuck-E-Cheese is also our really great friend in the summer. We don't have one here, so it is so special for them! I love the family time that we were able to accomplish. With me working it seems that everything is so rushed now, and I only work four hours a day! I love my family so much and so glad we were able to create some fun memories with money that we should have put in savings, but extremely enjoyed the memories it created!
I have birthdays and other events to still post about, just bear with me please as I accomplish one post at a time! :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Adventures...

Okay, so many of you know that I have started teaching school again. It is only half-day Kindergarten, but it has been a very stressful event for me. It was a quick decission and I didn't have time to let it sink in before I actually started working. I had a very hard time leaving the boys with some wonderful friends. I am going to just get through the first week. That is the hardest. I have to work all day for three days, and then have back to school night and two days of teaching before the weekend. Our plan is to have Jason come home around luchtime to be with Stanton and Easton for 3 1/2 hours while I work. Then, when Jaden and I get home (he's going to be in first grade!!!), Jason may have to return to work depending on how busy and pressing it is. I know this was a blessing, since we have been surviving on savings for five months. Yes, Jason is working, but the the company he was working for went under and we started our own. It's going t take several months fr the new business to show any profit, and we don't know how steady it will be right now. So, for this year, those are the goals. I am already pretty lazy when itbcomes to updating my blog, and it will probably be even worse now! But, there will be posts and just remember that I am just busy. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as I struggle to leave my little ones these few days. But, I am so grateful for the education I earned early in my life and that I am available to help the family right now. We love our friends and family!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Now I'm ready...

My kid's say the sweetest, most hillarious things! I thought I would share a few with you...

Jaden finished riding the horse with Papa and told him, "Well, now I have ridden the horse and I want to be a real cowboy, so When do I get to ride the cow"?!?!

Jaden and his cousin were talking. Jade said there was one really bad person and his name was Satan and one really good person and his name was Jesus. We choose everyday who we want to follow. He asked the cousin who he wanted to follow, and the answer was Jesus. Jaden asked his cousin,"are you sure? You are mean a whole lot"!!!!!
The cousin shrugged his shoulders and they got back to playing.
This would never fly with adults!

When we went to a baptism, we pulled up to the church and waited in the parking lot for a minute. When Jaden realized that's where we were staying for the baptism, he siad, "Wow, this is where they keep the River Jordan"?!?! We had to explain to him that no, it wasn't really. But, made us feel good that he knew a few things we had tried to teach him!
Kids can be so hillarious and I am so grateful I get to be here everyday to experience it. I would miss this so much if I had to work right now. What a blessing to have the family I do. I love you guys!

Holy Posts, Mommy!

Yes, I have only updated about one or two posts a month. Now that it is summer and we are home more, I think the guilt is getting to me. So today I made a few posts. If it didn't take so long for the pics to load, I would do it more often. But, in the meantime I was able to get some laundry folded and keep my children busy with chores! Enjoy reading!