The boys

The boys
Our pride and joy right here. Three silly boys that make us smile and enjoy life. We are so blessed!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

First Trophies...

Jaden participated in the Harvest of Talents for 3-D art and photography. (It's like the Reflections contests put on by the PTA)
He made a darling bat out of a pumpkin. He painted it and made wings and ears. He got second place for this. We are lucky that the pumpkin survived this long. It was so squishy and gross just getting it out og the school!
He also took two photos of my rosebushes outside and he took first place and second place.
He did really well and was so excited to go up and get his trophies at the assembly. It was a fun surprise and he had fun creating these things!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Like father like son

This is Jason and Jaden traveling the road of life together!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Haunting!

I've always wanted to have a Halloween Pumpkin as cute as this!
Especially with one sock on and one sock off.

Fire chief Jaden to the rescue! He will save moms, children, cats, dogs, fish and maybe dads if he can!

Stanton the Pterodactyl is such a darling sight! He couldn't wait to wear his costume.

The three boys getting ready for trick-or-treating. Easti is not a very happy camper. What a silly bunch of boys we have!