My kid's say the sweetest, most hillarious things! I thought I would share a few with you...
Jaden finished riding the horse with Papa and told him, "Well, now I have ridden the horse and I want to be a real cowboy, so When do I get to ride the cow"?!?!
Jaden and his cousin were talking. Jade said there was one really bad person and his name was Satan and one really good person and his name was Jesus. We choose everyday who we want to follow. He asked the cousin who he wanted to follow, and the answer was Jesus. Jaden asked his cousin,"are you sure? You are mean a whole lot"!!!!!
The cousin shrugged his shoulders and they got back to playing.
This would never fly with adults!
When we went to a baptism, we pulled up to the church and waited in the parking lot for a minute. When Jaden realized that's where we were staying for the baptism, he siad, "Wow, this is where they keep the River Jordan"?!?! We had to explain to him that no, it wasn't really. But, made us feel good that he knew a few things we had tried to teach him!
Kids can be so hillarious and I am so grateful I get to be here everyday to experience it. I would miss this so much if I had to work right now. What a blessing to have the family I do. I love you guys!
5 years ago