The boys

The boys
Our pride and joy right here. Three silly boys that make us smile and enjoy life. We are so blessed!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Mothers Day

This year for Mothers day, we had two very sick little boys we were up with all night. At about three am , Jason told me Happy Mothers Day. Yes, I was in the bathroom helping a vomitting child. Not a very nice thing to say to me. I did make it to church and Jason stayed home with Stanton and Easton. Jaden did a great job singing in Sacrament and my Sunbeams were obviously fed too much sugar for breakfast. They were seriously out of control! But, I got my little flower and went home happy. The economy and uncertainty of our future at this moment has made us step back for a moment and realize that we can do without a lot of things. Mothers day was a great beginning to that. I had Jason make a screen for my garden so that the critters stayed out and he fixed my brakes. So now I don't squeek, and my rotors will survive. My veggis should grow nice and big and I am very content and happy with these small, inexpensive gifts. He mopped my floor and helped clean up. It was a nice day. My mom brought me flowers and Jaden made an adorable little plaque. The reason he loves me the most: I let him play Club Penguin. Nice! I guess that is the most endearing quality my son loves the most. Oh well, he's six. All in all the day was nice and I had fun. Even without presents! I hope that everyone else had a wonderful Mothers Day and that it was filled with kind, loving words and lots of loved ones.

Jaden Fly-n-high

Posted by PicasaSo, I am a little techno-challenged and could not figure out how to get both of the pics from the ride to post together when I sent from from picassa. Oh well, I will figure it out soon. So, this is Jaden's first little jump with his bike. He has been trying to figure out the wheelie thing for a while, and this hill helped him a ton! He looks so cute! What a fun time it has been getting him to ride. He loves it so much, he even cried when we left. Music to his dad's ears!

High Flyin' Boys!

We went out riding in the sand and I took some pictures of the boys on their bikes. We got some good ones and had a lot of fun! Jason is still a little hottie!Posted by Picasa